Hi there 👋

Welcome to The Coffeeshops. We are a family of five cannabis dispensaries that have one mission: to serve you and your community with the highest quality cannabis products, at reasonable prices. Our five shops are all locally owned, meaning they reflect their neighborhoods' unique cultures and values.

We believe in providing an atmosphere where you can feel comfortable to consume cannabis, learn about its benefits and history, and be informed on the quality of the product you are consuming. We believe that cannabis users from all backgrounds should have safe spaces to consume, learn, and be informed about the plant they are consuming.

Feel free to ask away ☝️

Our staff is friendly and knowledgeable, which means they'll be able to answer any questions you have about using cannabis safely and responsibly. Whether you've been using cannabis for years or are just starting out, our goal is always the same: provide an open environment where anyone can come in, get educated about their options, and leave feeling relaxed, happy, and informed about their experience with this amazing plant. 

We do not just want to sell you the herb; our mission is to help you enjoy your experience responsibly - from start to finish - by guiding you through each step of selecting the right strain for your needs and offering suggestions for what else might make your experience even better.